
Preparing For Your Newborn Session

Newborn boy in a star

I’m so excited for our session together! I wanted send over a prep guide to give you some quick tips that help ensure your newborn session will go as smooth as possible. 

While you’re there, there is a couch where you’re welcome to hang out and chat with your significant other, take a nap (many do! I mean how often do you have someone to take care of your baby while you’re there too?!), read a book, absolutely whatever your heart desires. There are snacks and waters, so help yourself! 

I will be taking great care of your baby while taking all the most beautiful pictures for you. If I should need you, you’re right there and I promise I will get you. 

Now, back to preparing for your session! I’ll make this as short and as sweet as possible. By following these few tips I have learned along the way, it will help make sure you get the best possible outcome.

Newborn session in studio with mom holding her newborn girl. Mom is wearing a green dress, baby is wrapped in a mauve wrap with a gray background.

-Bring a pacifier. Even if you aren’t using one regularly, this can make or break the session.

 -Feed the baby before you leave the house and have more than you think you’ll need available, if needed, during the session. If you are using bottles, the babies seem to stay asleep better when fed with those during the session, but I also have a comfortable area to breastfeed, if you prefer that.

-If at all possible, have the baby awake for at least a little bit in the morning before leaving the house and then let him/her fall asleep in the car on the way here.

-If you have something with buttons or a zipper that we won’t have to pull over his/her head, please dress the baby in that. If he’s/she’s asleep when you get here, we can get him/her undressed easily and start the session quickly.

-If you are breastfeeding, please avoid caffeine, acidic, and spicy food/drinks the evening before and morning of your session.

-When getting in photo with the baby, when planning what to wear, soft fabrics and solid colors or neutrals work best. Simple things will ensure timeless images while also keeping the focus on the baby. (But remember, I am here to help with that too!).

**(If you are bringing an older sibling(s) of the baby, we will do the photos of them together first. Cooperation is key so please do your best to prepare them ahead of time. Toddlers can be especially tricky! We will do the most age appropriate set-up that allows us to safely include the baby and them together. 

Family session in studio. Dad is holding toddler girl and newborn baby boy while mom kisses baby boy.

There are many things to do with older siblings close to the studio. If you would like for the other parent or a grandparent to take the older sibling after their portion is complete, this will allow the studio to remain calm and quiet for the baby’s solo portion and for my sole focus to be on your baby.

I am so excited and so ready for you and your family! I’ll see you soon!!

Shannon Slemp, with Wood and Lace Photography, preparing for a newborn session in the Morgantown studio.


“Our family is just the right mix of chaos and love.”
– Unknown

Hello! I’m Shannon, the gal behind Wood and Lace. I am a full time professional photographer. When I’m not behind the camera, I am editing, working on the back end (website, marketing, etc), taking new courses to continue to grow my craft, and then all of the mom things after work is over the day. They say if you do something you love that you will never work a day in your life… I beg to differ. When you love what you do, you will work harder than you ever have in your life. The only difference is that it will feel all of the hard work is worth it.